Saturday, July 18, 2009

She's Finally 14!

Hooray! Carter finally made it to her 14th birthday! Now she's as old as everyone else in her grade! We are sending her lots of love & birthday wishes today! We think you are awesome Carter! We wouldn't trade your smile, laugh, sense of humor, intelligence, sweet personality or even your drama for a minute!!!! Have an awesome day! We love you!

1 comment:

veegeereno said...

HAPPY,HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRFDAY CARTER.....YOU'RE THE BEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL 14 YEAR OLD IN THE WHOLE we were there for hugs and kisses!!!!!! Have a great day and slow down this growing up stuff....we need more time to enjoy all your talents and to enjoy the wonderful young woman you are!!!'OXOXOXOXOXOXOX