Sunday, April 27, 2008

Look Who Took 1st Place in Her Solo on Friday Night!

Macy was "CobraStylin'" all over the floor! Here are some of the judges comments: "Great energy", "Fun floor work", "Nice routine", "Fun attitude throughout" & "Strong ending!" She received full marks on appearance, showmanship & execution! Her peers & teachers are very proud of her, as are mom, dad & Carter! Way to go May!:)

Another Successful Dance Competition on Saturday!

Team "Blaze" took 1st in Ballet, 1st in Tap & 2nd in Jazz! These are great results considering there were about 20 different dance companies participating. Now we only have 1 more dance competition & the dance recital left to complete the year! Macy will then audition for dance academy again (maybe placing in a higher group - she's ready to "Step it Up"). Then some more intensive dance classes for the summer, and then it begins all over again in the fall!

Checking Out the Competition.....

We moms heard the girls exclaim "This is the best dance competition ever!", most likely due to the fact that a breakfast outing and a little shopping trip were thrown in between dance performances.....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Tompa!

We're sorry that you have to spend your birthday in a hotel room in LA!! Hopefully you will get to have some cake?.... We are thinking of you, and fingers crossed that you can get on the next flight out!

"Awe Geez"
"Did you get your run in?"
"Is it a want or a need?"
"Oh boy"
"When you run uphill, remember to count backwards"
"All I got was a crummy blue ribbon!"
"I have to go brush my tooth"

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oh we're going to a Hukilau.......

We're off to Hawaii today! There is MUCH rejoicing! So until I make another post, I am leaving you with pic's of Hawaiian trips past! ALOHA!!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's a somewhat sad day for the Bedford family......

Drew sold "Crappy" last night.... We all have mixed emotions about it. It's kind of like losing a family member. We are sad because we had some really fun times as a family camping both in the mountains and the desert. It was a really convenient way to camp with children, and Carter and Macy loved to play "house" in it. On the other hand, we are happy because we really haven't used it in the past 2 years, and now the "Audi" has a dry environment in which to hang! Drew won't have to get up earlier in the morning in order to scrape all the ice off the windows....
So here's to you Crappy! We raise our backpacks in honor of you and all the good times we've had, and all the memories we will share! You will be missed!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Some Pics from last weekends Dance Competition! Starting with Tap.....

(Sorry these photos are water marked, but they're still cute!)

a little Jazz...

and finally Ballet!

It was all about Macy last night!

For most of the school year, Macy has been learning about Utah, the West, frontiersmen, pioneers, indians & wagon trains. For a class project, each student got to choose a person to write and present a report about, illustrate a book and make their own covered wagon. Last night we got to see the outcome of all the students hard work. Macy chose Sacagawea for her report, and she has become quite the expert on her! Just ask her anything and she will be able to answer. After circling the library to check out all the projects, we were treated to a recorder concert and then a "Tinikling" performance which was very cool! Tinikling is a type of dance(?) where the students have to jump between two moving poles. They learned different routines and then got to make up one of their own. Macy's had five cartwheels in row to start out with! Very impressive and lots of fun to watch! Everyone had a really great time!! Thanks Macy! You did GREAT!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

This is what we did last night....

Parent teacher conferences at Ecker Hill Middle School! I thought Carter was going to jump out of her skin she was so nervous about what her teachers were going to say. Macy had to keep telling her to relax her face! The only touchy thing was telling them that Carter was going to miss a week of school to go to Hawaii.......

This is how the conversations went...

Mrs. Smith: (Utah Studies teacher) Carter is doing great and is a wonderful student!
Me: That's great to hear! She is going to miss school the week after spring break, is that a problem?
Mrs. Smith: Not at all. Carter, come see me after school on Friday and I'll give you some work to take with you...
Ms. Sutherland: (English teacher & very cool) Carter is doing great and is a wonderful student!
Me: That's great to hear! She is going to miss school the week after spring break, is that a problem?
Ms. Sutherland: Not at all. Carter read a lot while you're gone & write some poetry. Where are you going?
Me: Hawaii!
Ms. Sutherland: How fun! Can I come too?
Mrs. Wallace: (French teacher) Carter is doing great and is a wonderful student! (actually one of her favorites)
Me: That's great to hear! She is going to miss school the week after spring break, is that a problem?
Mrs. Wallace: Not at all. Go online to our usual website and take a quiz, you can make everything else up when you get back. Have fun!!
Mrs. Moody: (Science teacher) Carter is doing great and is a wonderful student!
Me: That's great to hear! She is going to miss school the week after spring break, is that a problem?
Mrs. Moody: OUCH! (enough said.....)
Mrs. K-Davis: (Algebra teacher) Carter is doing great and is a wonderful student!
Me: That's great to hear! She is going to miss school the week after spring break, is that a problem?
Mrs. K-Davis: No, just email me everyday for the assignments. (sorry Carter, looks like you have to drag your 5 pound math book to Hawaii......)
Mrs. Shaub: (Peer Tutoring teacher) I love Carter! I love Carter! I love Cater! She is one of our best peer tutors!!!
Me: She's LOVES your class & LOVES being a peer tutor! (no worries missing this class!)

So there you have it! In a nutshell, Carter is doing great and is a wonderful student! But we all knew that already! (see Carter, you didn't really have to stress so much over what they were going to say, now did you?)