Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This is how dark it is in the morning when I take Carter to the bus stop! At least for the time being, there is a little bit of a morning glow, but we can't wait for the middle of January when Carter will be getting on the bus when it's PITCH BLACK! :(Pinebrook darkness.....
Carter not wanting her picture taken... I don't blame her - who wants their picture taken at 6:30 a.m.?....
Running for the bus....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some random shots from the weekend....

Carter assuming her usual position...
Hide-n-seek behind the stove....
An unusually large bun.....
A valley cloud.....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

And the "Oscar" goes to......

Brad Pitt - in Burn After Reading! Drew & I saw this movie last night and couldn't stop laughing over Brad's performance as "Chad" in the movie. You just gotta love the hairstyle and continual gum chewing! It was just so random.... actually everything in the movie was, but we enjoyed it! All the other actors in the movie were great as well! So if you're in the mood for something both strange & funny, this is the movie for you!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

HOORAY! It's the weekend!

We are going to read, watch movies, golf, travel to Nutcracker rehearsals, miss our soccer game because of rehearsals, surf the internet, sleep in & just spend some quality family time!


We saw this beautiful double Rainbow out our window last night after a rain storm. Couldn't help but snap a few pictures of it to share!

Friday, September 19, 2008

"Tastes Like Heaven!"

That's the response I got from Carter when she got home from school today, opened up the frige and saw the caramel apples inside that Macy and I had made. I think she's right, they do taste like heaven! I won't even tell you how many of them I have had already today......

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sadly, it's Fall already in P.C....

But at least the colors are really pretty to look at....

These clouds were pretty intense today as well!

Soccer Saturday!

We attended another fun soccer game on Saturday! The Black Diamond girls worked hard to stop the top-seeded Sparta team, and managed to hold them off 3-3! Carter even decided to come and show her support as well! As for the last photo - horses aren't something you usually see walking right behind a soccer field!

Monday, September 15, 2008

US Ski Team Golf Tournament!

Drew was asked to play in the US Ski Team Golf Tournament today! No pressure or anything! We can't wait to hear how he did, but feeling pretty sure he's going to place in the top three (he usually does)! And what does that mean? More free SCHWAG!!! We love it!

Friday, September 12, 2008

I wouldn't touch these with a 10 foot pole......

It's funny when you have your own kids, you think they are going to grow up to be just like you. I have found that that is not the case in our family. Some examples:

Jill disliked ankle socks, would only wear knee highs.
Carter will only wear ankle socks.
Macy prefers not to wear socks at all if possible, but prefers ankle socks when socks are necessary.

Jill loved playing with dolls and Barbies (yes I know what you all are thinking!).
Macy loved playing with dolls and Barbies (prefers to dance all day long now!).
Carter wanted NOTHING to do with dolls, especially Barbies!

Jill loved to read, all day long if possible, and still does!
Carter loves to read, all day long if possible!
Macy won't pick up a book unless forced to do so. It's amazing that she is in the highest reading group at school....

Jill wouldn't go near a pair of Chuck Taylors (or "Jump-Shot Shoes" as my dad so lovingly refers to them), if my life depended
on it!
Chuck Taylors are the only shoes Carter and Macy like to wear!

Life is just funny that way I guess......

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Favorite weekend activity.... SCOOTERS!

We're all so glad Drew fixed Carter's scooter this weekend! It was heavily used!

And of course, we had lots of Bogey visits too!

Another very cool sunrise!

Taken with a flash....
Taken without a flash....

Saturday, September 6, 2008

It was a LUCKY day!!!!!!

As posted earlier, Macy auditioned for Ballet West's Nutcracker today. And, SHE MADE IT! Along with her friend Mckenzie. They will both be soldiers in their cast rotation, and luckily will get to be in the same shows because they are Parkites. Very convenient for carpooling! Unfortunately Macy's best friend Sissy did not make it as party girl and we are very sad about that. She made it through the first cut, but then ended up being the last girl out. I have to say she stole my heart today, because when the other girls who were cut came out, they were hysterical! And here came Sissy with a giant smile on her face telling us how much fun that was and how she wants to try out again next year. She even wanted to stay the extra two hours to see how Macy and Kenzie did. She was thrilled for them! Drew, Carter and I are very proud of Macy, and I'm gearing up for what is going to be a very busy fall. We're not sure how the soccer is going to play out in all of this seeing as though rehearsals & games are both scheduled at the same time..... We did make it to Alpine for Macy's soccer game, and actually arrived early! Macy scored another goal too!! So what does Macy attribute this Lucky Day to? Her lucky hairstyle of course!!!! She's a winner every time she does her hair the way she did today!

Friday, September 5, 2008

We have truly lost our minds now.....

Trisha and I have registered Macy & Sissy for Ballet West's Nutcracker auditions this weekend... Macy really doesn't need to add any more "activities" to her schedule right now, but she really wants to go for it. The fact that we have to be there at 9:00 am, go through the auditioning process until 1:00 pm, then race out to Alpine (a 50 minute drive from downtown SLC) to make her 2:30 pm soccer game, seems to give her some kind of a rush! It only stresses me out completely! 450 girls have registered for the audition, and they take 280 of those girls for the performances. Macy will be trying out for a "Soldier" part, and Sissy a "Party Girl." Trisha and I figure that the auditioning process is a good experience for them, and if they don't make it, they will be in Park City Dance Academy's Nutcracker for sure. They are going in to this audition with a good attitude, that this is just going to be something fun to do on a Saturday morning. Keep your fingers crossed for them anyway!

Protractors, Compasses & Math, Oh My!

School has been in session for two weeks now, and in that two weeks I have been on an endless search for a 4" protractor for Carter's geometry class! You can't have a 6" protractor (the only size any store seems to stock), it has to be 4"! You wouldn't believe how hard they are to come by. I searched all the stores in PC, and endlessly online too. I ended up having to by this "pack" of school supplies which I just happened to pick up and noticed the right size protractor was included inside. So all is well finally, and Carter can now go to class feeling completely prepared. Hooray!The infamous "Protractor"......
Our next math purchase - this $129.00 graphing calculator...... Can't wait to pay for that one.....
This face pretty much sums up how Carter feels about math....

Thursday, September 4, 2008