Friday, February 27, 2009

Science Fairs & Crazy Hair!

It's been a CRAZY week around here for everyone, from client meetings down south, to math placement tests & busy days at work! Macy's week consisted of the JRES 5th Grade Science Fair last night & Crazy Hair Day today at school! The science fair went well, but unfortunately their 2nd judge was a bit MENTAL and failed to ask them questions about their project - so they were a little caught off guard. So sad because their "Mummification of Apples" was a really good project and people loved their presentation. Better luck next time (and hopefully a better judge!). The students did get to blow off some steam at school today with their annual Crazy Hair Day. Macy's "Do" consisted of sleeping in thousands of sponge rollers, then ratting out the curls and adding pipe cleaners with a twist. She is now at dance with this huge pony tail struggling to stay in her hair. Needless to say we are not looking forward to brushing it out tonight!!!! But she had a fun day so it was well worth it!Sierra, Macy & Kenzie setting up their project.
Here they are waiting to be judged.
The "Do" from the front....
and from the back!

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