Monday, June 28, 2010

Silly Sunday #2....

Macy makes a new friend - Sophie the puppy!

I'm beginning to believe that every person in Park City owns a dog due to the fact that everyone walking up and down Main Street had a dog on a leash... (or in a purse as was the case for Sophie. Sophie the purse dog! That would make a great children's book! I'll have to think on that one some more...).

The lady in the booth 2 down from us "Bling's Hair" - using strips of tinsel. Of course she saw Carter and asked if she could do hers. Carter graciously obliged...

Sissy was Macy's assistant for the day, and also got blinged out...

Then it was Macy's turn. It was a day of golden and copper highlights, lots of sun and big profits! :)

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