Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Silly Sunday Market :)

We finally did it! We had our very first Silly Sunday Market! And despite the cold temps at 8:00 a.m. and the hail storm at 4:00 p.m., people did come out and buy from our booth. I am happy to say that we reached our $$$ goal, and the money is now safely tucked away. A few more sunny, warm days and we should have a nice chunk-o-change in our pockets! All in all, it was a great experience and we are looking forward to our next Sunday in 2 weeks. So if you happen to be in Park City that day, stop by and say "Hi!"

Working the booth!
A very COLD Carter...
And a very COLD Macy! She couldn't feel her toes for most of the day... what is up with the weather?
A look at the booth....
Making some sales!

1 comment:

granna said...

All soooo cute...We didn't realize the market started last week!!! Good job Mrs. Bedford... you are amazing...Blue ribbon (crummy) for you and a 10 foot high trophy too!!! You're all the best ladies

Love T and G