Friday, September 5, 2008

Protractors, Compasses & Math, Oh My!

School has been in session for two weeks now, and in that two weeks I have been on an endless search for a 4" protractor for Carter's geometry class! You can't have a 6" protractor (the only size any store seems to stock), it has to be 4"! You wouldn't believe how hard they are to come by. I searched all the stores in PC, and endlessly online too. I ended up having to by this "pack" of school supplies which I just happened to pick up and noticed the right size protractor was included inside. So all is well finally, and Carter can now go to class feeling completely prepared. Hooray!The infamous "Protractor"......
Our next math purchase - this $129.00 graphing calculator...... Can't wait to pay for that one.....
This face pretty much sums up how Carter feels about math....


Anonymous said...

Now that's a pretty face!! A little disgrunduled (sp) perhaps but pretty!

Anonymous said...

ewh, ewh ewh.
i look scary.
take it off, thanks.