Friday, September 5, 2008

We have truly lost our minds now.....

Trisha and I have registered Macy & Sissy for Ballet West's Nutcracker auditions this weekend... Macy really doesn't need to add any more "activities" to her schedule right now, but she really wants to go for it. The fact that we have to be there at 9:00 am, go through the auditioning process until 1:00 pm, then race out to Alpine (a 50 minute drive from downtown SLC) to make her 2:30 pm soccer game, seems to give her some kind of a rush! It only stresses me out completely! 450 girls have registered for the audition, and they take 280 of those girls for the performances. Macy will be trying out for a "Soldier" part, and Sissy a "Party Girl." Trisha and I figure that the auditioning process is a good experience for them, and if they don't make it, they will be in Park City Dance Academy's Nutcracker for sure. They are going in to this audition with a good attitude, that this is just going to be something fun to do on a Saturday morning. Keep your fingers crossed for them anyway!

1 comment:

Suzy said...

My fingers are crossed! Good luck.