Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hahahahaha.... Another Sundance Funny!

Subject: Top Ten Reasons Sundance is Hilarious...

1) D-listers, A-listers, PIBS and Furries having no idea how to get around in a snow storm... hence, they fall down A LOT!
2) "Stars" arguing with LOCALS about what movies/shows they've "starred" in...
3) People riding the free bus with their 10 grocery bags to their hotel that is ten feet away.
4) LOCALS only parties that don't allow LOCALS...
5) People who come to a ski town and then complain that it's snowing...
6) Men in really, really tight pants and puffy hats...
7) "I'm a LOCAL because I come here every year for Sundance..." attitude.
8) Standing in line for an hour to get into a film and then being told the film was over-sold, but feel free to use your $15 ticket at the local theatre and see a film after Sundance is over...
9) Robert Redford... what is he 150 now? (Sorry about that one Uncle Bob)
10) $65 to get into the Joan Jet show at Harry O's... didn't she play at the Canyons last year for free?

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