Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"What's in my Office?" Wednesday.....

I was puttering around my office this afternoon, and realized I was a little dismayed with all the stuff which has accumulated in there. I've decided it might be fun to post a little something each week that I come across. It might be something which I have created or something someone else in this family has created and is just too fun not to share. The picture below is this Wednesday's choice! Carter's very first "Person" drawing! I think she was maybe just shy of two when she drew it (I should have dated it upon completion). I fell in love with it the moment I saw it and immediately had to frame it and hang it on the wall. Needless to say, I have kept just about every picture, card, note, that Carter & Macy have made for me. How is it possible to throw any one of them away? I can't remember if Carter named this drawing, I'll have to ask her... What is fun about this, is that she still loves to draw stick figures! The latest drawings do wear clothes and have hair now....


Anonymous said...

i dont think so...

veegeereno said...

Yes...I remember the drawing well...I sensed that this was an artist in the making...Keep up the good work Carter!!!

Your Granna

Anonymous said...

I knew she would go far in the art world...that's my girl...
Love Tompa